
Source of the "Acequia Real del Júcar"
Source of the Acequia Reial del Xúquer
Origin 13th century
Route 54 kilometers
Tourist value Hydraulic heritage

Source of the “Acequia Real del Júcar”

(Naixement de la Séquia Reial del Xúquer)

Considered one of the most brilliant engineering works of the 18th century, as well as being one of the oldest irrigation institutions in Spain and a sign of cultural identity of the Valencian Community, the Acequia Real del Júcar has its source in the Assut d’Antella.

The origin dates back to the year 1258 when Jaime I, after conquering the city of València and the south of Xúquer, decided to build an irrigation canal that would distribute the water so that its inhabitants could irrigate the land.

The project, divided into two phases, began with the construction of the canal from Antella to Algemesí (13th and 14th Century), and in a second phase, it was built up to Albal (1760-1815). Thus, the source of the Acequia Real del Júcar is the origin of a total of 54 kilometers of irrigation canal that begins in Antella and ends in Albal, distributing its water to 20 towns: Antella, Gavarda, Alberic, Benimuslem, Massalavés, Alzira , Alcúdia, Benimodo, Albalat de la Ribera and Algemesí (first phase); and Alginet, Benifaió, Almussafes, Sollana, Picassent, Silla, Alcázar, Beniparrell and Albal (second phase).

Source of the Acequia Real del Xúquer
Source of the Acequia Real del Júcar
Source of the Acequia Real del Júcar

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